Formal word for poker face

How to use poker face in a sentence? Harold Feld:. Granted everyone would like to see signs one way or the other, but I think that this is mostly the chairman putting up a Washington poker face, Chairman Wheeler has learned that on net neutrality he has to tow a very careful line and all of his statements are very carefully neutral. Lady Gaga - Poker Face Lyrics | Lyrics to "Poker Face" song by Lady Gaga: Mum mum mum mah Mum mum mum mah Mum mum mum mah Mum mum mum mah Mum mum mum mah I wanna hold 'em li...

Click words for definitions ... Slang words continue after advertisement .... As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for "poker chip" are listed above. Poker Slang - Online Poker Slang from Poker Terms 6max is a slang term used for any poker game where the maximum number of players at ... Arsenal is another combat-themed poker metaphor. ..... Face Card. poker - English to Bengali Meaning of poker - poker - Meaning in Bengali, what is meaning of common in Bengali dictionary, audio pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of common in Bengali and English. No Poker Face - TV Tropes These characters couldn't hold a poker face if their life depended on it. ... will get excited when his opposition is about to take the Joker, while looking sad when they pick another card. ... Word of God puts hers as the worst among the cast.

What does poker face mean? definition, meaning and ...

Click words for definitions ... Slang words continue after advertisement .... As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for "poker chip" are listed above. Poker Slang - Online Poker Slang from Poker Terms 6max is a slang term used for any poker game where the maximum number of players at ... Arsenal is another combat-themed poker metaphor. ..... Face Card. poker - English to Bengali Meaning of poker -

Words with Friends 2 - Zynga - Zynga

Synonyms for POKER FACE - POKER FACE synonyms at; POKER FACE synonyms and antonyms - Merriam-Webster dictionary; - POKER FACE synonyms; English Oxford Living Dictionaries - POKER FACE synonyms; Collins Dictionary - synonyms of POKER FACE; YourDictionary - another words for POKER FACE What is another word for poker face - WordHippo

Definition of Poker Face from all online and printed dictionaries, photos and videos about Poker Face.You can look up words, expressions, names, titles... Poker Face.

Synonyms for poker face: iciness, catatonia, unsusceptibility, dullness, dispassion, frostiness, unfeelingness, coolness, coldheartedness, frigidity, untouchability ... Poker face | Definition of Poker face at a person who has or deliberately assumes a poker face: It is impossible to tell what that poker face is really thinking.

*Formal Critique of Poker Face by Lady Gaga [This is part of the Seven Challenge] (This is broken up into three pieces, the 1st is the original piece, the 2nd is my line by line edits/thoughts, and 3rd is an overall critique, all separated by: ***)

Apr 30, 2019 ... Mayor Pete Pressed on Late-Term Abortion During Fox News Town Hall: 'I Trust ... Joe Scarborough: Trump Has Worst Poker Face in History of ... recent reaction to the formal announcement made by former Vice President ...

Poker face Synonyms, Poker face Antonyms | Jeff gave thanks for his ability to wear a poker face when such was in order. His expression changed not at all; he bore the true Western "poker face." Honest, the first line I got on this party with the steady gray eyes and the poker face was that he must be dead from the neck up. Synonyms for POKER FACE -